Bring the whole family to explore the world of Latinx storytelling! Angel Moronta, Venezuelan author, takes you on a journey with his character “El Señor de los Lentes del Mundo" (The Man of the World's Glasses). Then, design your own puppet with the storyteller. Interact with a couple of “miraculous” sisters from the Colombian mountains. Plus, celebrate your familia with a family-tree craft.
Ongoing festivities include self-guided tours of Morris Center's current exhibitions, Make & Take Bookmarks, and Meet the Storyteller. Purchase delicious food from local vendors: Taste of Mexico and Cakes by Liz.
Program is sponsored by Palmetto Luna Arts, Flagstar Bank, and La Isla Magazine.
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843-284-9227 info@morrisheritagecenter.org
PO Box 1116 Ridgeland, SC 29936
Tuesday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
10782 S. Jacob Smart Blvd. Ridgeland, SC 29936
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